# Why Add/Change Directors
The following are the common reasons why people choose to add or change directors in a company:
To get new talent on board
As your company grows and evolves, you will need to bring new talent on board to meet the new requirements and challenges. It is natural to want to add or make changes in the top-level management.
No dilution of ownership
Directors are primarily responsible for the day-to-day operations of a company. Adding or appointing an additional director helps the shareholders assign more operational responsibilities without losing any strategic control.
Inefficiency of existing directors
It could be that the existing directors cannot meet the requirements of the work or maybe even due to retirement, family problems, physical ailments or other personal reasons. In such cases, you need to add new directors.
To meet the statutory limit
Every type of company needs a certain number of directors. In case of sudden death or plans of retirement from existing directors, you will have to add another director to your company.