Patent - Patent with TaxTrims

# Apply for Provisional Patent

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    Minimal Information Required :

    Even if an invention is at a conceptual frame, a provisional patent only requires to specify the title, designate the field of the invention, its nature, and potential use to file a provisional specification.
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    Established Right Early :

    The provisional patent permits one to book his/her name against an invention, even before it is final. The patent is granted to the person who files it first, rather than the person who discovers it first.
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    Assess Market Potential :

    The provisional specification assists in reaching the market potential and your invention before taking the final plunge and filing a complete specification.

# When is a provisional patent used?

The provisional patent can be used when an invention is fully definite, but will likely require further improvements that can be accomplished within a year, this provides a good chance to file a provisional patent application on the existing discovery. An important thing is that it should be completed within a year so that the non-provisional can be filed with improvements during the pending provisional patent, prior to the subject of the original invention described in the provisional patent can be taken before it is terminated.

# Provisional Patent Filing Process in India

Filing a provisional patent application is a crucial one. If you want to prevent others from stealing your invention, it is important to secure an accurate patent application filing date. You should also file if you aren’t yet ready for the full non-provisional patent. You can then use the phrase “patent pending” to explain the invention. A provisional patent application is often filed to protect an idea while the inventor refines and develops the idea. :

  • ~STEPS :


    Invention Disclosure Form (IDF) Preparation :

    Provide answers to the questions stated in the IDF that covers the following :

    • The issues that you are trying to explain.

    • Solutions and problems that are already available with these solutions.

    • Technical features for your invention.

    • The functionality of the technical features.

    • Any alternatives to the proposed solution.

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    Invention Consolidation :

    • A filled out IDF form is reviewed to identify new technical features.

    • This step may include 2-3 iterations to get the invention consolidated for novelty search and specification preparation.

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    Novelty Search :

    • It helps you to identify new technical features that are unique.

    • We search for worldwide accessible documents to recognize if there is any document published, the same or similar to its technical features.

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    Patent Specification Preparation :

    • Once the novelty of the invention is verified, we move forward to prepare the patent specification based on it.

    • A patent specification is a techno-legal document and it determines the strength of the prospective patent be granted.

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    Forms Preparation :

    We prepare all the required sets of forms to be filed along with Patent Specification.

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    Filing A Patent Application :

    Once everything is prepared, we move ahead to apply, along with the requisite fees. Consequently, the patent application number will be shared by the Patent office.

# What is a Provisional Patent Application in India?

A provisional patent application is an introductory step, before filing a regular patent, for getting a type of interim protection. An individual can apply for a provisional patent in India without any formal patent claims. This option is created to provide investors with an inexpensive way to temporarily protect their inventions until they decide to pursue a full patent.

A provisional patent application has a time of twelve months. It is from the date of filing after which the inventor has to file a complete specification to take advantage of the filing date of the provisional application.

# How to Write a Provisional Patent?

A provisional patent application is fairly simple, but it must include some of the below requirements:
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    A written and accurate description of the invention.
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    Drawings or painted figures that promote the invention.
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    Text that describes the drawings or figures.
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    Your name and contact information.
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    A provisional application for the patent cover sheet.
  • A provisional patent application is not legally binding and it does not patent an invention. However, it gives a full year from the filing date to submit forms and payments that need to make the non-provisional patent a reality. Throughout this time, an invention stays in the “patent pending” status.

# What is the requirement for the provisional application for a patent?

Follow the below steps to know the requirements of the provisional patent application :

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    A written description of the invention.
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    Any necessary illustrations of the invention
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    The names of all the inventors.
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    The filing fee.
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    A cover sheet or electronic filing, identifying:
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    The application is a provisional patent application.
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    Inventor name
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    Inventor residence
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    Title of the invention
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    Correspondence address
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    Name and registration number of an attorney or agent and docket number if it is applicable.

# How to write a provisional patent application in India?

Here are some simple steps that you should know to write the provisional patent application :
  • • Review and compare existing patents.

  • • Download the forms such as Form 1 and Form 2 form the Indian patent office website.

  • • Fill the relevant details including the title of the invention and name of the applicant and inventors. In Form 2 write ‘Provisional Specification’, title, and the applicant’s name.

  • • Plan the document before writing anything, making an online and listing all points that need to be covered.

  • • Use a readable typeface and fonts. Write about the patent that has been invented.

  • • Divide the application into segments, and then divide those sections into smaller sections if needed.

  • • Use numerals instead of spelling out numbers.

  • • Try to simplify any wordy phrases without writing claims, with the complete specification.

  • • Organize the document’s contents by order of importance and pay the relevant fees.

  • A strong description for a provisional application patent should always include the following elements in this order :

    • Invention title.

  • • Technical field.

  • • Prior art and background information.

  • • Representation of ‘how the invention addresses a problem’.

  • • List of drawings or figures.

  • • Detailed description.

  • • At least one example of the invention’s intended use.

# Can The Idea Be Patented?

  • You can’t patent an idea. It is against the law. Patents can only be granted for things, processes, compositions, machines, manufactured articles, inventions. Abstract ideas or theories cannot be patented.

    Can you search for a provisional patent?

    How long does it take to get the approval provisional patent?

    How to make changes on provisional patents once it is filed?

    Can you sell a Provisional Patent?

# Permanent Patent :

How Can Tax Trims Help You in the Patent Filing Process?

Tax Trims can assist, right from applying for the granting of the patent. You can file both provisional patent and permanent patent applications with us.

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    Examination of Details

    We will examine all the possible details, including potential uses of the invention across industries and the benefits over existing products.

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    Drafting of Application

    We will recommend a verified lawyer who will take up your request and draft the application based on the details you provide.

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    Filing of Application

    The drafted document will be filed with the registrar and, on acceptance; you would be able to use 'patent pending' on your product any time during the next year. You can also check your patent application status on our user-friendly online portal from time to time.

  • # What is a Patent Meaning?

    A patent is a right granted to an individual or enterprise by the government which excludes others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented product or process without prior approval.

    Patent filing or patent registration is the first step an inventor takes to protect his/her invention from being misused. Patent filing in India is a fairly complicated ordeal, however, with the right legal guidance, it can be done easily. Any business entity or an individual who believes in securing their patent should get a legal consultation from expert patent practitioners such as ours. Tax Trims helps you with the simplest way to file a patent.

    A patent can be filed by any individual or business that wants to protect an invention or an idea. An invention can be a new product or a new process.

  • # Benefits of Filing a Patent in India :

    The following are some of the advantages of filing a patent in India:

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    A patent is a form of encouragement for innovations and inventions. Once an applicant is granted the patent, he or she becomes the exclusive owner of the invention or the idea

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    Filing a patent in India is important for a business as the patent restricts its competitors from copying, selling, or importing its intellectual property without prior permission. This way the patent holder can protect their patent rights in support of the existing laws of the land

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    Patents can be sold and licensed like other forms of property

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    A patent is just like any other intellectual property and can be transferred by the inventor

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    A patented product is likely to improve brand perception and potentially enable your business to charge a premium

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    With exclusive patient rights, the owner of the patent controls the use of the invention for twenty years or longer.

# Documents Required for Patent Filing in India :

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    Application form in duplicate (Form 1)

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    The provisional or complete specification in duplicate. If the provisional specification is filed, it must be followed by the complete specification within 12 months (Form 2)

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    Drawing in duplicate (if necessary)

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    Abstract of the invention in duplicate

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    Information & undertaking listing the number, filing date, & current status of each foreign patent application (if such exist) in duplicate (Form 3)

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    Priority document (if the priority date is claimed) in convention application, when directed by the Controller

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    Declaration of inventor-ship where the provisional specification is followed by complete specification or in case of convention/PCT national phase application (Form 5)

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    Power of attorney (if filed through any patent agent)

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    Fees (to be paid in cash/by cheque/by demand draft).

# A Step-by-Step Guide to patent protection in India :

For patent registration in India, you must submit the specified forms at the patent office. If you own a digital certificate of Class 3, you can easily submit it online.

In the case of online applications, the patent office will be charging an additional 10% as the fee. The step-by-step process of how to patent your idea or invention/intellectual property is mentioned below :


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    Patent Search :

    For a successful patent registration, you need to ensure that your invention/idea is non-obvious and unique. Carrying out a patent search will help you to ensure this and also to avoid lengthy official procedures. You can search for yourself or can take professional help from experts. You can also conduct a patent search with the help of experts.

    You may skip the below-mentioned steps if you come across a similar patent registered already.

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    Filing a Patent Application :

    For patent filing in India, one of the most crucial aspects to consider is the preparation of patent specifications. The entire process of drafting a patent specification is a specialized task that can be done best by experienced professionals only.

    • Ideation: Here, you need to pen down the idea or concept, clearly mentioning the key details about the invention and the desired patent.

    • Visualisation: Visualise your idea and elements in the form of diagrams that explain more about the invention.

    • Verification and Patentability Search: The next step is to verify whether your invention is patentable as per provisions mentioned in the Indian Patent Act. Your ideas/inventions must meet the patentability requirements such as :

    o Novelty

    o Non-obviousness

    o Usefulness

    o Patentable subject matter

    Drafting a patent application is an art in itself. Seeking the help of a patent professional will be a wise choice here. If you are in the initial stages of the research and development process, then it is best to file an optional preliminary application called the provisional patent application.

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    Preparation of a Patentability Report :

    Authorized patent professionals or patent agents will then do extensive research and prepare the patentability report that contains the analyses based on the above-mentioned criteria. You should also attach all the specified documents along with the patent application. Have a thorough check on the documents before submission, to avoid any rejection in the future.

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    Publication of Patent Application :

    The application is then published in the Patent Journal within 18 months. A request for early filing of the patent application can be made along with a prescribed fee.

    Publication of Filed Patent :

    o For patent registration in India, the Indian patent office keeps every patent application confidential until it gets officially published in the patent journal

    o The publication of a filed patent happens automatically after 18 months from filing the applications, and there is no need for any request to be raised

    o To get the patent published in advance, the applicant has to initiate a formal request and it will get published within 1 month of the request

    o The publication date does matter the most as the inventor is entitled to protect his work legally, immediately after the publication.

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    Patent Examination :

    There would be a formal submission of a request for the patent examination which must be filed within 48 months from the first filing of the patent (provisional patent or complete patent). If the applicant fails to file within the time frame specified in the Patent Act, the application will be treated as withdrawn by the patent office. The examiner then conducts a comprehensive investigation and releases the first examination report called patent prosecution.

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    Patent Objections :

    It is common for patent applicants to receive objections, like “inconsistent or unclear claims” or “inventions lacking novelty”, etc. Hence, it is mandatory to analyze the patent examination report and draft a proper response to the objections.

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    Grant of Patent :

    Once all the patentability requirements are met, the notification to grant a patent will be published in the patent journal.

# What Are the Benefits of Filing a Provisional Patent Application Before Filing a Patent Application?

A provisional patent application secures your date and work. This means that none of your competitors can file for a similar invention once you file for a provisional patent application.

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    Our search is not restricted to similar/identical word matches alone. We identify similarities in word meanings as well.

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    As India follows the first-to-file system, this ensures that the holder of the provisional patent stand a good chance of being granted the permanent patent

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    There is a buffer time of 12 months to further develop your invention and to specify the complete details. The application gets abandoned upon expiry of 12 months of the application

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    The cost and resource involved for provisional patent application are less when compared to the permanent patent

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    The provisional specification helps you assess the market potential of your invention before taking the final plunge and filing a complete specification

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    Once you are ready with your R&D and your invention’s detailed specifications, you can go in for a complete patent application.